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3. NSW LandXML - Integration Survey Marks

Use the Points/Control Points option to add Control Points (SSMs, PMs etc).
  1. Use the Add Point option to add control point names to the appropriate GeoSurvey Points. Press the 'Add' button, click on the point in the job to supply current co-ords (local or AMG). Then type in the point name - SSM12345, or PM 12345 etc. Don't worry about the co-ordinates or height as these will be updated from the SCIMS data below. Make sure the point names are correct and accurate, as used by SCIMS, or the following update from SCIMS will not work.
  2. Repeat the 'Add' actions until all the control points are in place.
  3. Download the required SSM/PM co-ordinate data from SCIMS into a SCIMS CSV file.
  4. Now use 'Master File' option to import the SCIMS.csv file. This will match the point by name and will update their co-ordinates to the SCIMS values. It will also import all the SCIMS metadata (order, class etc) into the extra attributes for the control points. In the SCIMS file, SSM's will be shown as SS, but this will be automatically handled during the point matching so that the marks are correctly matched.
  5. Inspect each control point to check that it has been updated. The easiest way is to check that it now has extra attributes (class, order etc) set. If there are nay points not updates, check that the point names match and/or those points are in the SCIMS file.

  6. If necessary, after fixing any errors, you can repeat step 3, it will just update all matching points.
  7. Set any unset Extra Attributes in the table below that have not been set by the SCIMS import (marked 'set by user' in the table below).
  8. Note: If an SSM is being created in this subdivision, there will be no SCIMS data or attributes and you will have to set all the attributes by hand.
  9. Use the 'Check Fit' button to check how the control points fit with the job co-ordinates.
Field Entry Comments
Name The Mark Name From SCIMS
Easting From SCIMS
Northing From SCIMS
Height From SCIMS
Horiz Accuracy Leave Blank Not used by LandXML
Vert Accuracy Leave blank Not used by LandXML

Extra Attributes
Mark State From field notes Set by user
Horizontal Class From SCIMS
Horizontal Order From SCIMS
Height Class Optional, if Control Point has a height From SCIMS
Height Order Optional, if Control Point has a height From SCIMS
Mark Condition Mandatory, select from list Set by user
SCIMS Date dd-mm-yyyy From SCIMS
Method Origin of co-ordinates Set by user

Transform Job onto MGA
If the job is on a local system you need to transform the job onto MGA using the control points you have entered.

Use the Points/Transform Job to Control option which will transform the entire job onto MGA co-ordinates. The control point information can either be from a file or you can use the survey integration marks which have been entered as control points.

If you use the survey integration marks, set the control point file name to blank.

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